In the occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region, residents are given deadlines to confirm their right to real estate
In Melitopol and villages of the Melitopol and Tokmak districts, residents are listed for alleged real estate registration in the Russian State Register and are required to prepare documents confirming ownership of the property within a month, RIA Pivden reported.
“Presentable-looking young men are walking down the street and putting everyone on a list to be called to the Property Rights Register. The visitors do not ask for documents. They just put you in a queue. They say: “You will be called” and told when to come with the property documents. …You have to come at a strictly specified time. There is a checkpoint at the entrance to the yard with a barrier. There is a soldier with a machine gun. He calls your name and tells you where to go. They register apartments and land there,” a Melitopol resident told RIA Pivden.
House-to-house visits have also begun in the villages of Melitopol district. However, the conditions are different there. According to informants, representatives of the occupation authorities have set a deadline for everyone: to prepare documents by October 29. If the documents are unavailable, the houses will be classified as “ownerless”.
“Along with the warning to prepare documents for the ownership of the house, the Russians are also checking the documents of men under 50. They check whether they have a Russian passport and whether they have been registered for military service. Houses without documents are marked as “ownerless”,” RIA Pivden readers informed.
The same kind of rounds are being made in the villages of the neighbouring Tokmak district. “They also set a deadline of October 29 to prepare the documents. However, villagers, especially elderly pensioners, have no documents. They are afraid that in their old age, they will simply be kicked out of their own homes,” said a RIA-Pivden reader.