In Zaporizhzhia region, the occupation administration intimidates parents who do not send their children to Russian schools
The occupation Ministry of Education in the Zaporizhzhia region with security forces has set up field commissions to visit families whose children do not attend Russian schools, RIA Pivden reported.
Controllers visit houses and apartments mostly in the villages of Prymorsk and Berdiansk districts. The visits are carried out by representatives of the Department of Child Protection and Care of the occupation administration together with Russian security forces.
As propaganda media explained, “The purpose of the visit is to inform parents about the importance of children going to school. It is not only about gaining quality knowledge but also about communicating with peers. Often, parents do not realise the significance of this stage in a child’s life, but we know for sure that the skills acquired at school, kindergarten and college improve academic prospects and chances of obtaining higher education.”
After the visits, commission members threaten parents whose children do not attend a Russian school with a fine for an administrative violation: “non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment by parents or other legal representatives of minors of their obligations to maintain, educate, train, protect the rights and interests of minors”.
Parents are threatened with the deprivation of parental rights if it turns out during a follow-up inspection that the child has not been enrolled in a Russian school.